Eggs benedict – Brunch recipes

Recetas de brunch - Huevos Benedict - Picnic Huevos Benedict en Picnic

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When you are hangover there is nothing better than some eggs benedict!

And if you don’t even have the strong to change your pyjama, you can prepare your own eggs benedict at home, just following this simple recipe

Yields 4


Eggs benedict

15Prep Time

10Cook Time

25Total Time

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- 4 slices of bread, preferably multi cereal bread
- 8 bacon rashers
- 4 eggs
- 2 tbs of vinegar
- 100gr butter
- 2 egg yolks
- half tablespoon of lemon juice or white wine
- a pinch of salt


  1. >>>>> HOLLANDAISE SAUCE <<<<<
  2. 1. Melt the butter over low heat without stirring and remove the foam from the surface
  3. 2. In a bowl whisk the eggs until they become a consistency of a cream. Gradually add only the clarified butter (not the part left on the bottom) and whisk vigorously
  4. 3. Add the lemon juice (or the wine) and the salt
  5. >>>>> EGGS BENEDICT <<<<<
  6. 1. Boil some water in a medium large pot
  7. 2. Fry the bacon in a non-stick pan without adding any oil and meanwhile toast the bread
  8. 3. When the water starts to boil add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Slowly break the eggs directly into the water. They’ll go and stay in the pot’s bottom.
  9. 4. When the eggs will come up to the surface (after around 4 minutes), they are ready. Take them out of the water with a skimmer.
  10. Place 2 bacon rashers on the top of each bread slice, than place the egg and finally the hollandaise sauce


If you like you can add a final touch with a pinch of dill, oregano or paprika


Calories: 877 cal
Carbohydrates: 30 g
Fat: 69 g
Sodium: 1272 g
Cholesterol: 700 g
Protein: 33 g
Fiber: 2 g

You can enjoy some eggs benedict in many brunch’s places in Barcelona :


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Eggs benedict in Meatpacking


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Eggs benedict in Milk


Eggs benedict - Brunch recipes - Picnic

Eggs Benedict in Picnic


Eggs benedict - Brunch recipes - Timeline

Eggs Benedict in Timeline

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